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Building Wind Finland 2020 together with

Thank you for participating in Wind Finland!

We are honored to have been surrounded by so many people that are as passionate about wind power as we are.


In order to encourage everyone to give their feedback, each feedback received will see 1 euro donated to Ukraine via the Red Cross.


Please note: These presentations are confidential and limited to Wind Finland guests only.

  • Juha-Halttunen & Niilo Mustonen, Parliamentary elections 2023 – what to expect? [PDF]
  • Jussi Mäkinen, Hydrogen and batteries for the days the sun doesn’t shine and wind doesn’t blow [PDF]
  • Kai Mykkänen, How to ensure clean and domestic energy in Finland? [PDF]
  • Katja Perätalo, Wind power construction – how to mitigate disputes before, during and after execution [PDF]
  • Lauri Myllyvirta, Chinas role in global clean energy markets [PDF]
  • Patrik Granvik, Is there enough metals for green energy transition? [PDF]
  • Paul Jenkinson, Managing cybersecurity in Renewables – today and for the future [PDF]
  • Veli-Pekka Tynkkynen, Russia’s War in Ukraine – An Imperial, Colonial and Ecological Battle against Energy Transition [PDF]

Livestream recording

You'll be able to watch all the presentations from the networking app.
Recording will be available few hours after the seminar.
Networking app will be closed on 25th of Oct.

Photo gallery

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Upcoming events

1000 WTG gala – Helsinki Dec 8th 2022
Registration is now open at

Wind Finland Oulu – Feb 2nd 2023
In Finnish – registration is now open at

Wind Finland Offshore in Helsinki – May 4th 2023
Registration is now open at

Wind Finland in Helsinki – Oct 4th 2023
Save the date!

Making Wind Finland together with
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