6th of February in Tullisali, Oulu
288 € + VAT
SURF Members, Authorities, Municipalities and Associations
398 € + VAT
All others
- Access to Seminar and Exhibition-area
- Full catering with Finnish flavors
- Cocktail session after the seminar
- Access to Networking App
- Evening Event with dinner and entertainment
239 € + VAT
SURF Members, Authorities, Municipalities and Associations
319 € + VAT
All others
- Access to Seminar and Exhibition-area
- Full catering with Finnish flavors
- Cocktail session after the seminar
- Access to Networking App
99 € + VAT
SURF Members, Authorities, Municipalities and Associations
159 € + VAT
All others
- Evening Event with dinner and entertainment
- Access to Seminar and Exhibition-area
- Full catering with Finnish flavors
- Cocktail session after the seminar
- Access to Networking App
- Evening Event with dinner and entertainment
Early Bird -tickets available until 30th of Nov:
Seminar & Evening: 239€ / 348€ + VAT
Seminar: 189€ / 269€ + VAT
Evening: 79€ / 139€ + VAT
Normal tickets available until 22nd of Jan:
Seminar & Evening: 288€ / 398€ + VAT
Seminar: 239€ / 319€ + VAT
Evening: 99€ / 159€ + VAT
Late registration tickets available until 6th of Feb:
Seminar & Evening: 368€ / 478€ + VAT
Seminar: 319€ / 399€ + VAT
Evening: 149€ / 199€ + VAT
21st of May in Kaapelitehdas, Helsinki
429 € + VAT
SURF Members, Authorities, Municipalities and Associations
629 € + VAT
All others
- Access to Seminar and Exhibition-area
- Full catering with Finnish flavors
- Cocktail session after the seminar
- Access to Networking App
- Evening Event with dinner and entertainment
329 € + VAT
SURF Members, Authorities, Municipalities and Associations
469 € + VAT
All others
- Access to Seminar and Exhibition-area
- Full catering with Finnish flavors
- Cocktail session after the seminar
- Access to Networking App
99 € + VAT
SURF Members, Authorities, Municipalities and Associations
159 € + VAT
All others
- Evening Event with dinner and entertainment
- Access to Seminar and Exhibition-area
- Full catering with Finnish flavors
- Cocktail session after the seminar
- Access to Networking App
- Evening Event with dinner and entertainment
Early Bird -tickets available until 31st of Jan.
Normal tickets available until 6th of May:
Seminar & Evening: 449€ / 649€ + VAT
Seminar: 349€ / 489€ + VAT
Evening: 99€ / 159€ + VAT
Late registration tickets available until 21st of May:
Seminar & Evening: 549€ / 749€ + VAT
Seminar: 449€ / 589€ + VAT
Evening: 149€ / 199€ + VAT
30th of September in Kaapelitehdas, Helsinki
499 € + VAT
SURF Members, Authorities, Municipalities and Associations
599 € + VAT
All others
- Access to Seminar and Exhibition-area
- Full catering with Finnish flavors
- Cocktail session after the seminar
- Access to Networking App
- Evening Event with dinner and entertainment
389 € + VAT
SURF Members, Authorities, Municipalities and Associations
489 € + VAT
All others
- Access to Seminar and Exhibition-area
- Full catering with Finnish flavors
- Cocktail session after the seminar
- Access to Networking App
129 € + VAT
SURF Members, Authorities, Municipalities and Associations
179 € + VAT
All others
- Evening Event with dinner and entertainment
- Access to Seminar and Exhibition-area
- Full catering with Finnish flavors
- Cocktail session after the seminar
- Access to Networking App
- Evening Event with dinner and entertainment
Early Bird -tickets available until 20th of Jun.
Normal tickets available until 15th of Sep:
Seminar & Evening: 599€ / 699€ + VAT
Seminar: 489€ / 589€ + VAT
Evening: 129€ / 179€ + VAT
Late registration tickets available until 30th of Sep:
Seminar & Evening: 699€ / 799€ + VAT
Seminar: 589€ / 689€ + VAT
Evening: 149€ / 209€ + VAT
Uusia puhujajulkaisuja – lue, mistä ensi vuonna puhutaan!
Lisää Wind Finland Oulun puhujia on julkaistu! Nappaa tästä maistiaisia seminaarin ohjelmasta ja käy lukemassa lisää puhujista tapahtuman verkkosivuilla. Talvi lähestyy ja celsiusasteet ovat laskeneet koko maassa pakkasen puolelle. Viime…
Wind Finland is organized by Renewables Finland.
Address: Yliopistonkatu 34 B 17, 40100 Jyväskylä, Finland